Articles, Research and Blogs
Recent Publications
Articles, Research and Blogs
"Effectively Handling Conflicts of Interest", Journal of Healthcare Compliance, January/February 2009 (Walker)
"The Rewards of a Risk-Based Approach to Compliance & Ethics Training", Interview of Jeff Kaplan in SAI Global White Paper, 2008 (Kaplan)
"Crediting Compliance and Ethics Programs: The Latest from the Department of Justice", Firm Memo, September 2008 (Kaplan and Walker)
"Mitigating the Fear of Retaliation, Georgia Power Style", ethikos, May 2008 (Walker)
"Mitigating the Fear of Retaliation: Helping Employees Feel Comfortable Reporting Suspected Misconduct", Journal of Health Care Compliance, March-April 2008 (Walker)
"Thinking about Training", ethikos, March 2008 (Kaplan and Walker)
"Professional Liability Insurance for the Ethics and Compliance Professional", Health Care Compliance Professional’s Manual update, March 2008 (Walker)
"Body and Soul: Points of Convergence between Ethics and Compliance", Compliance and Ethics Magazine, February 2008 (Kaplan)
"Compliance Programs for Smaller Companies", ethikos, January/February 2008 (Kaplan)
"Third Party Ethics Requirements", The Conference Board, December 2007 (walker, with Ronald Berenbeim)