Speaking Engagements
May 2008, Scottsdale, AZ,
"Putting Your Program on Trial: Assessing C&E Programs Through Cross-Examination", Ethics and Compliance Officer Association Sponsoring Partner Forum
April 2008, Los Angeles, CA,
"Taking Your Ethics and Compliance Program to the Next Level", SCCE, Local Compliance Conference
April 2008, San Francisco, CA,
"Designing and Advancing Effective Compliance Programs", Practising Law Institute, Corporate Compliance and Ethics Institute 2008
April 2008, New York, NY,
"The Realities of Ethics in Your Sales and Marketing Force: How to Reach Them in Ways that Work", The Conference Board, Annual Business Ethics Conference
March 18, 2008, Houston, TX,
"The Risks and Benefits of Extending Compliance Requirements to Third Parties", Greater Houston Business Ethics Roundtable
March 6, 2008, Webcast,
"Finding the Right Balance The Risks and Rewards of Third Party Ethics Programs", The Conference Board
March 2008, New York, NY,
"Conflicts of Interest", SCCE, Local Compliance Conference
February 2008, New York, NY,
"Directors' Role", Wharton/Baruch College, Conference on Money, Politics and Corporate Risk
December 2007, Webcast,
"Rightsizing Compliance Programs", TheCorporateCounsel.Net
November 17, 2007, Webcast,
"SCCE's Code of Ethics", SCCE