Our Attorneys

Rebecca Walker
Rebecca Walker is a partner in the law firm of Kaplan & Walker LLP, a law firm specializing in corporate compliance and ethics located in Santa Monica, California and Princeton, New Jersey. Ms. Walker advises clients on the development and implementation of compliance and ethics programs that are tailored to each client’s legal risks and business needs and that conform to applicable government requirements and pronouncements regarding effective compliance programs. Ms. Walker has worked with numerous organizations on the design and implementation of the components of compliance and ethics programs, including risk assessment, codes of conduct and other compliance policies, compliance training, helplines, investigation procedures, monitoring and auditing systems, program structure and program documentation. She has also developed and conducted numerous training sessions for employees and boards of directors in the areas of conflicts of interest, social media compliance, anti-corruption, sexual and other forms of harassment, reporting misconduct, and general compliance.
Ms. Walker has conducted numerous assessments of compliance and ethics programs. She also currently serves as a corporate monitor. Her clients have included companies from the consumer products, apparel, financial services, pharmaceutical, healthcare, banking, advertising, consulting, telecommunications, energy, retail and airline industries, including many companies in the Fortune 500.
Ms. Walker received her B.A. (magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa) from Georgetown University and her J.D. (cum laude) from Harvard Law School. She is the author of Conflicts of Interest in Business and the Professions: Law and Compliance, published by Thomson West in 2005. She is the co-author of Safeguarding Intellectual Property and Preventing Corruption in the Global Supply Chain, published by The Conference Board in 2012; the Anti-Corruption Compliance Program Benchmarking Survey, along with Jeff Kaplan and the FCPA Blog, which was published in 2011, and Finding the Right Balance: The Essentials of Third Party Ethics Programs, a survey of third-party compliance and ethics programs conducted with The Conference Board in 2008. Ms. Walker has published numerous articles regarding compliance and ethics and is a contributing editor of ethikos, a leading compliance and ethics journal.
Ms. Walker chairs the Practising Law Institute’s annual Compliance and Ethics Institute in New York and and their annual Advanced Compliance Workshop in San Francisco. She is a frequent speaker on compliance and ethics issues, including for the Practising Law Institute, The Conference Board, the Ethics and Compliance Officer Association and other legal and business groups. Ms. Walker serves on the Advisory Boards of the Complete Compliance and Ethics Manual, a publication of the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics, and the Corporate Compliance Center at the South Texas College of Law.

Jeff Kaplan
Mr. Kaplan is a partner in Kaplan & Walker LLP, a law firm in Princeton, New Jersey and Santa Monica, California. He specializes in all aspects of assisting companies…..
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Amii Barnard-Bahn
Ms. Barnard-Bahn is a partner in the law firm of Kaplan & Walker LLP, a law firm specializing in corporate compliance and ethics located in Sacramento….
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